7th Power Analysis & Design Symposium 2018
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Seminar Topics
Practical EMI Filter Design to Pass Your EMC Test
by Dr. Ali Shirsavar - Biricha Digital
There are many factors that must be taken into consideration when designing input filters. Many of these factors are based on size, cost and manufacturing process and therefore are beyond the control of the design engineer. Furthermore, there is so much uncertainty involved in the design that exact, mathematically elegant, academic equations seldom resemble what happens in real life. This has led some calling this field “black magic”; it is not!
In this highly technical session, Dr. Ali Shirsavar from Biricha Digital presents a very pragmatic and simple methodology for designing EMI input filters to meet your specifications. A complete numerical design example, with full equations and calculations, down to component will be represented. Finally, experimental results will be provided in order to verify the theory.
Practical PDN Design Pitfalls in Embedded Systems
by Andreas Reiter - Microchip Technology
Flat impedance in high speed digital systems is a design methodology that avoids PDN (power distribution network) issues and PI (power integrity) problems. In this presentation some common design pitfalls that can lead to system failure in the field are analyzed and presented. The presentation contains the basics of power distribution networks and source-load interactions. Proper selection of decoupling capacitors and ESR is analyzed to achieve flat target impedance over a wide frequency range. Critical issues such as rogue waves are analyzed and the theories are underlied with real-life examples.
A quick EMI pre-compliance test solution for PCBs helps to get to market faster.
by Axel Hahn - dataTec AG
The use of RF and Microwave Measurement utilities has a necessary impact on today's developers. The evaluation of hardware designs in their function and signal integrity is well supported by measurement tools like Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers and Network Analyzers. Meanwhile the measuring of unwanted parasitics like EMI is an emerging focus for development engineers. The knowledge of conducted or radiated emissions provides necessary information for improvements in design and hardware components. Modern test solutions can give support in getting to market faster by evaluating new products beside development, production and quality control. An EMI scanner-board with magnetic near-field probes provides a solution which is easy to use, delivers reproducible measurement results and gives the information where the unwanted distortion is located.
Do you really know your EMC ferrites?
by Markus Holzbrecher - Würth Elektronik
This presentation provides an overview on different ferrite types, their different materials and application areas. The influence of temperature and DC bias currents on the impedance in the high frequency range is shown. Finally different filter circuits and their properties are presented in detail.
PWM controller with integrated feedback loop isolators.
by Bernhard Strzalkowski - Analog Devices
A fully integrated PWM current mode fixed frequency active-clamp synchronous forward controller has been designed for isolated DC/DC power supplies. Bi-directional and high bandwidth digital couplers are integrated to eliminate the bulky signal transformers and opto-couplers. With the integrated isolators and gate-drivers on both, the primary and the secondary side, the controller offers a compact system level design and yields a higher efficiency than a non-synchronous forward converter. Output regulation is achieved by sensing the output voltage on the secondary side, where the feedback and the PWM signals are transmitted between the primary and secondary through integrated micro-transformers. By encoding the feedback signal and multiplexing with output over-voltage protection (OVP), over temperature protection (OTP) a high level of system protection has been achieved. To gain the power efficiency, programmable gate delay, dead time and light-load mode are implemented. Test results show very good power efficiency and a high bandwidth feedback loop.
Linear Power Amplifiers for Test Applications
by Helmut Rohrer - Rohrer GmbH
The lab-testing of electronic circuits has become more and more important. In the automotive industry, testing standards such as LV124 and LV148 have been established to ensure proper operation of the electronic components during all expected supply voltage variations. Linear power amplifiers help to solve test challenges by offering an outstanding wide frequency range from DC up to MHz. The linear regulation provides advantages over switched amplifiers such as a precise zero crossing and very low signal distortions.
This presentation provides an overview on the advantages and characteristics of linear power amplifiers. The use of linear amplifiers in applications such as laboratory, component tests, calibration, renewable energy and drive technology is explained. This presentation helps engineers to understand the different types of linear amplifiers and provides knowledge on how to choose the correct amplifier for test applications.
Output Impedance is an Important Design Parameter of a Power Supply
by Florian Hämmerle - OMICRON Lab
Any regulated voltage supply, no matter if linear or switched, has the goal to provide a stable voltage to the load. This is only possible if the output impedance of the supply is sufficiently low. Due to bandwidth limits in the regulation this cannot be ensured for any frequency. To overcome this, capacitors are used to support the power supply in the higher frequency areas. The presence of high-Q capacitors such as MLCCs in combination with parasitic trace inductance or ferrite beads can lead to multiple resonance frequencies. These resonances can dramatically reduce the performance of the load and raise the risk of potential stability problems.
In this presentation the risks of supply resonances and their impact on the load are demonstrated, based on real-live measurement examples and theory. Different output impedance measurement setups and their applications are presented in detail.
Seminar Partners

Open Lab

Join our Open Lab after your daily work is done. We will have several measurement benches ready for you, where we can measure loop stability, PSRR, output impedance and more...
So come whenever you want, have a beer, bring your power supplies and do some great measurements with us.
The Lab will be open on April 25th from 15:00 - 19:00.
Travel & Hotel information
The journey time from the airport is approx. 20 minutes by car and approx. 15 minutes by S-Bahn.
From the central railway station, the journey time by S-Bahn is approx. 30 minutes. The S-Bahn station "Eching" is within walking distance from the Bürgerhaus Eching.
If you travel by car, you can find a parking garage approx. 100 meters away from the Seminar venue.
You can find a route map here or in the download area.
Accommodation proposals (within walking distance):
Hotel Angermeier Eching
Hotel Hoeckmayr
Echinger Hof
Hotel Huberwirt
Golden Tulip Hotel Olymp
If you need help, please contact us: katharina.dunst[at]omicron-lab.com