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2nd Power Analysis & Design Symposium 2013
The 2nd Symposium took place on May 22nd 2013 in Klaus (Austria).
by Steven M. Sandler (Picotest)
This session addresses some of the common distributed power system issues and how to perform high fidelity in-system measurements, using three domains to identify and troubleshoot problems utilizing non-invasive testing methods. Impedance measurement, the key to assessing and optimizing PDNs (Power Distribution Networks) is explored in-depth. We will show how to determine and interpret the stability margin of control loops, as well as filter/converter combinations using non-invasive single port and two port measurements.
by Dr. Ali Shirsavar (Biricha Digital Power)
This session aims to inform the participants of the real engineering benefits as well as the practical challenges of digital power thus enabling them to choose the most suitable power management solution for their application. We will present numerous real life examples and a case study on Digital PFC (Power Factor Correction). The session concludes with a live demonstration of an auto-tuning stable digital DC/DC converter.
by Bostjan Bitenc (Linear Technology)
In this session we show how a frequency domain simulation of a SMPS can be obtained from transient simulation data. A special focus will be laid on methods to assess the correctness of the simulation results. The session closes with practical demonstrations and the comparison of simulation examples with real world measurements.