We are proudly working together with Picotest since 2010. Like OMICRON Lab, Picotest is a company led and driven by electronic engineers. Picotest provides outstanding technology to perform high fidelity measurements. Steve Sandler, the founder and president of Picotest.com is an internationally renowned expert for all aspects of electric power supplies.  Picotest provides a high variety of measurement devices such as signal injectors, probes and amplifiers that allow you to analyse, characterize and test all aspects of your power supply design with the Bode 100.

Steve Sandler has been involved with power system engineering for nearly 40 years. He frequently lectures and leads workshops internationally on the topics of Power Integrity, PDN, and Distributed Systems and is a Keysight Certified EDA expert. Steve publishes articles and books related to power supply and PDN performance. His latest book, “Power Integrity: Measuring, Optimizing and Troubleshooting Power-Related Parameters in Electronics Systems” was published by McGraw-Hill in 2014. He is the recipient of the ACE 2015 Jim Williams Contributor of the Year ACE Award for his outstanding and continuing contributions to the engineering industry and knowledge sharing. Steve is also the founder of AEi Systems, a well-established leader in worst case circuit analysis, modeling, and troubleshooting of satellite and other high reliability systems.

Measuring, Optimizing, and Troubleshooting Power-Related Parameters in Electronics Systems

Power Integrity provides engineers with expert insight on selecting and implementing appropriate test equipment to effectively measure increasingly higher speed electronics. The book contains field-tested information related to the interpretation of results, common measurement issues and resolutions, and application examples. You’ll learn how to select the appropriate equipment and use effective techniques to reduce production problems, improve performance, and provide a figure of merit for comparing different parts and manufacturers.

Measuring Power is not as simple today as it once was. Higher frequency devices, complex loads, challenging test setups, and 2nd order effects all serve to complicate your measurements. Let Picotest help you navigate the waters with tools and techniques designed to increase the fidelity and accuracy of your testing.

The "Measuring Power Application Notebook", contains over 30 technical articles on power supply test and measurement.

The papers cover a wide range of measurements and test techniques including: Impedance, Stability, Step loading, PSRR, Reverse Transfer, Crosstalk, Noise, PDNs, Wireless Power, Clock Power Optimization, Non-invasive Phase Margin, and Part Parasitics (Resistors, Capacitors, Transformers, MOSFETs).

In a reprint of Steve Sandler's classic technical book, PWM models and power supply simulation solutions are described in depth - with special attention paid to practical magnetic components.
All common topologies are discussed, including linear, buck and flyback converters.
Practical guidance is given for EMI/RFI filtering and magnetics design and analysis.
Most of the book's code (available to book purchasers) will run, unaltered, on all of popular SPICE versions, including PSpice, LTSpice and Tina.
Sometimes maligned, SPICE can provide very accurate results that correlate with real circuit operation if accurate models are used.

As an internationally recognized power supply expert and zealot for improved power integrity, Steve Sandler's classic Switched-Mode Power Supply Simulation is a valuable resource for any Engineer's bookshelf.

The need for Power Distribution Network (PDN) simulation is essential due to its impact on power rail compliance, signal integrity, and electro-magnetic interference (EMI). Evolutionary increases in data rates and edge speeds, coincident with decreasing power rail voltages put ever more pressure on power integrity and system engineers to maintain optimum system performance.
Power integrity assurance requires end-to-end simulation including analog and power electronics, as well as, power-aware signal integrity simulation. This also includes details, such as control loop assessment, capacitor and inductor modeling, and DC IR drop including remote sense lines and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) effects.
Keysight Technologies' Pathwave Advanced Design System (ADS), the world's leading Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software package, addresses analog, RF, microwave, high speed digital and power electronics applications, including PCB effects, in a single simulation environment.
Pathwave ADS provides this much needed end-to-end capability including large signal, non-linear Harmonic Balance (HB) simulation. The ADS Harmonic Balance simulator provides ultra-fast time domain and spectral content of switching power supply waveforms and power rail noise without the long simulation times or convergence issues typically associated with transient simulation.

In “Power Integrity Using ADS”, award-winning, internationally recognized power integrity guru, and Keysight Certified EDA expert, Steven M. Sandler and Anto K. Davis, share their simulation experience and workspaces to provide a quick and easy guide to best Power Integrity design practices and simulation techniques.

For more details on Picotest products, please check out www.picotest.com

To purchase books of Steve Sandler, please contact Picotest or purchase them from your preferred book store.