1 Port & 2 Port 50 Ω Transmission Line PDN Probes

Enhance your PDN measurement results with Picotest probes. The Picotest PDN probes are precision passive 50 Ω transmission line "browser" probes that support a variety of measurements. Due to their sophisticated design, they have significant advantages in comparison over active probes and other types of passive probes.

  • PDN probes support measuring of
    • Non-invasive Stability (NISM)
    • Impedance (1 port or 2 port impedance)
    • PCB resonances
    • Step-Load & Ripple
  • Various attenuation ratios for optimum sensitivity and SNR (1x, 2x, 5x or 10x)
  • Virtually no capacitive loading
  • 50 Ω impedance
  • Wide bandwidth
  • Reduces the risk of damaging the fine copper pads of circuit boards
  • Rugged, ergonomic design, small form factor gets into tight places

The P2104A 1-Port Transmission Line PDN Probe is a single port 50 Ω transmission line probe with a fixed pitch size. When using two 1-Port probes, a two-port Shunt-Thru measurement can be performed offering the full sensitivity at low impedance and high probing flexibility of two separate probes.

Available Options:
Attenuation: 1x, 2x, 5x, 10x
Pitch: 50, 60, 70, 80 or 100 mil
Connector: SMA or BNC

For more information and technical data on the P2104A, please check out www.picotest.com.

The P2102A is 2-Port 50 Ω transmission line "browser" probe. It can easily and quickly be moved from point-to-point/rail-to-rail simply by reseating the probe points. The probe comes with four (4) Interchangeable probe heads for different DUT sizes: 1206, 0805, 0603, and 0402.

Available Options:
Attenuation: 1x, 2x, 5x, 10x or ac-coupled
Connector: SMA or BNC

For more information and technical data on the P2102A, please check out www.picotest.com.

If you are interested in the P2105A 1-Port Low Noise TDR - Ripple Browser Probe or the P2106A 1-Port Resistive Divider Probe, please get in contact with Picotest directly.

In this video Steve Sandler is demonstrating how the Bode 100 in combination with a Picotest P2101A 2-Port Probe can be used to measure impedance in the mΩ range. Steve shows how to calibrate the measurement and how to measure component impedances as well as the output impedance of linear regulators or switched mode power supplies.

For more detailed information or for quotation requests, feel free to contact us at info[at]omicron-lab.com or via our contact form

  P2100A  1-Port 50 Ω Transmission Line PDN Probe  Discontinued in 2021
  P2101A  2-Port 50 Ω Transmission Line PDN Probe  Discontinued in 2021
  P21B01  PDN Probe Bundle (1-Port and 2-Port Probe), Accessory Kit, Two P2130A DC Blockers  Discontinued in 2021